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Cornell University

New York Seed Improvement Project

Cornell Foundation Seed & The Certified Seed Agency of New York State

How to become a NY Certified Seed Producer

The process of becoming a Certified grower and producer of certified seed in New York State is as follows:

1. Apply for admission to the Certified Seed Program. Per New York General Seed Certification standards (1 NYCRR Part 96), only growers or firms approved by the certifying agency are eligible to produce and/or process certified seed. Approval is based on the suitability of the land for seed production, ownership or access to acceptable seed production and/or processing equipment and the background, training, experience, and integrity of the grower or seed conditioner. This requirement helps to ensure that prospective seed producers have the expertise and equipment that is necessary for the successful production of Certified Seed. It also helps to protect the integrity of our Certification program.

2. Obtain and plant approved seed stock. Certified seed may only be produced using approved planting stocks. Typically, approved stocks consist of Foundation or Certified class seed. When applicable, approved planting stocks (e.g., Registered class seed) may be obtained from other seed growers and entered for certification. When applying for field certification inspections you will need to provide documentation & labels that came with the seed you planted in your fields. Growers may use Certified seed sourced from a state other than New York as long as the proper seed documentation is provided.

3. Apply for field inspections. Qualified growers (step #1 above) who currently have fields planted with approved certified seed may apply for NYSIP field inspections. Seed stock documentation and field maps must be attached to the application, as well as a check for inspection fees calculated on the form.

4. Harvest and clean seed with approved equipment/processor

5. Obtain valid seed sample and submit for testing at the NY Seed Testing Lab.True-seeded crops have minimum germination and purity requirements that must be demonstrated by testing in an approved laboratory. Results must be sent from the lab to NYSIP directly.

6. Apply for certified seed labels. When all of the inspections and testing have been successfully completed, the seed crop is eligible to be sold as Certified seed and bear the “Blue tag” that is the universally recognized symbol of Certified seed.

Go to Certification Forms & Fees page


When the opportunity exists, growers lacking experience in the production of Certified seed are strongly encouraged to work with existing Certified seed growers prior to application for status as a Certified Seed Producer, e.g., as contract growers. We provide certified grower information in our annual Crop Directory. We encourage you to make contact with growers already growing crops of interest, or, get in touch with us and we can assist you with the orientation or with making contact with some Certified seed growers who are currently producing the crop(s) that you are interested in. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our office by email or phone.
